Here a small place with high safety and caring standards.

Toddlers will learn by playing and communicating with peers.

Happy toddlers are those who explore the world around them freely.

Creativity finds expression through these toddlers, if only we allow it.

Social Communicating Nurtures Emotional Intelligence


Developing Vocabulary

Even children who aren’t talking by the beginning of the second year of life are sending clear messages with gestures. By the end of the second year, children are communicating with words and that communication with others will help to increase their language ammunition.

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Creative Expressions

Kids, who have good social experiences, are able to express their-selves batter than other kids. At Play Dough, we are keen to provide a healthy environment for children communication and help your toddlers to express their needs, emotions, and thoughts clearly.

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Sharing Concept

Sharing teaches children about compromise and fairness. They learn that if we give a little to others, we can get some of what we want as well. Children who share also learn how to take turns and negotiate, and how to cope with disappointment. These are all important life skills.

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Interaction Based Methods

Toddlers are so little to be able to control their emotions, but their communication with peers teaches them different reactions. Social life shows them how happiness, sadness, and more emotions look like, which will help them later to control those emotions correctly.

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Within the child lies the fate of the future


Best Instructions

The best instruction is that which uses the least words sufficient for the task.– Dr. Maria Montessori

Creative Education

Child is like the sun which appears at dawn or a flower just beginning to bloom. Education cannot be effective unless it helps a child to open up himself to life.– Dr. Maria Montessori
All children can explode into learning.– Dr. Maria Montessori

Why Play Dough


Emergency First Response Certificate

Emergency First Response is first aid training organizations. With more than 56,000 instructors worldwide, Emergency First Response is backed by 48 years of experience in the development and delivery of instructional courses, training materials, and educational curricula.

Childcare Safety Certificate From Boecker

Boecker Public Health has continuously been at the forefront of environmental health services. Boecker extensive presence in the Middle East placed it as a global player with strong strategic partnerships with the world’s most renowned research and excellence centers.

Montessori’s Classes

Montessori learning environment is based on six principles: freedom, order, realism (nature), beauty, intellectual environment and social environment. Thus, the teaching system in Play Dough takes care for these points.

Healthy Food

Because we take care of all your toddlers’ needs, we offer healthy delicious meals for them with high safety and cleanliness standards. In addition to changing their diapers if needed.

Great Service

We have a small space for three classes, each class includes an age group from 1 to 3 years. The small number of children guarantees our high care of them and makes them comfortable.

Make your children's life special by enrolling them
in our daycare